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Pediatric Speech, Occupational, and Physical Therapy

Chit Chat Therapy is one of the leading therapy practices in the Fort Mill/Rock Hill area focused entirely on children and adolescents with developmental delays and special needs. We help our clients and their families with a full scope of therapy services, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and music therapy.

We serve children from age 1-17 who have delays in development and other diagnosed medical conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, and apraxia.​

Speech Therapy:

Speech therapy helps children and adolescents improve their expressive and receptive language development, articulation, social communication and social skills so the child can communicate and develop meaningful relationships. The speech therapists at Chit Chat Therapy help children and adolescents to improve their communication skills by integrating all aspects of speech and language development, including receptive and expressive language, articulation, respiration, and fluency. Cognitive components such as problem solving and reasoning are also addressed by speech therapists. Other aspects of treatment may include the development and training of alternative and augmentative communication, oral motor abilities, swallowing, and feeding skills.

Occupational Therapy:

Occupational therapy helps children and adolescents develop the skills necessary for independent functioning and success in childhood. Our occupational therapists develop an individualized plan to address your child’s specific needs. Since the “occupation” of children and adolescents is play, it is through the use of play and recreational activities that occupational therapists assist children and adolescents in learning the skills necessary for successful living. Occupational therapy can improve functions such as the ability to perform the tasks of feeding, bathing, and dressing through the development of fine motor skills, as well as neuro-motor, visual-motor and sensory integration skills. Our therapists have training in specific occupational therapy programs including handwriting, and sensory integration methods.

Physical Therapy:

When children and adolescents have difficulties with movement, posture, body position, strength or balance, physical therapy can be used to both identify and treat the problem. Physical therapy helps children and adolescents improve movement through play, therapeutic exercises, handling techniques, and balance/strength training.

Damage or abnormalities of the nervous system can affect a child’s movement and balance skills, including rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking. Physical therapy helps children and adolescents improve these physical movements and decrease falls with special exercises, handling techniques, and building strength through play. The goals of physical therapy may include improving a child’s functional skills, and preventing or limiting disability in a variety of developmental areas. Physical therapists may also modify an environment based on the child’s physical and cognitive challenges, as well as provide adaptive equipment to assist in walking, standing, sitting and other functional tasks.

Call us today to schedule an appointment and/or let us answer any questions you may have!!

Location: 2848 Pleasant Road, Suite 101

                    Fort Mill, SC 29708

Phone: 1-800-779-4089

Fax: 803-547-9706

Located at the corner of Pleasant Road and Gold Hill Road in the same parking lot at the Goddard School.

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